stephen testa / en 2013-14 A&S Outstanding Teaching Awards Announced /2013-14-outstanding-teaching-awards-announced 2013-14 A&S Outstanding Teaching Awards Announced

The College of Arts & Sciences is very pleased to announce that the recipients of the 2013-14 A&S Outstanding Teaching Awards are Drs. Shannon Bell (sociology), Jacqueline Couti (MCL), Stephen Testa (chemistry), and Kim Woodrum (chemistry).

smru222 Wed, 05/01/2013 - 10:01 am ]]>
Wed, 01 May 2013 14:01:02 +0000 smru222 200052 at
Improving General 糖心vlog官方入口 with Stephen Testa /podcasts/improving-general-chemistry-stephen-testa Improving General 糖心vlog官方入口 with Stephen Testa

Over 2,500 students take introductory chemistry classes each semester. As the director of general chemistry, Stephen Testa oversees the planning and curricula of each of these introductory courses. In this interview, professor Testa discusses what he and his colleagues are doing to improve the grades, and the experiences, of students fulfilling their chemistry credits.

This podcast was produced by .

testa Wed, 05/02/2012 - 04:19 pm ]]>
Wed, 02 May 2012 20:19:45 +0000 testa 181547 at